Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Letting It Out

Since my friend Dai recently updated her blog with her confession,
I thought "Oh that seems like a good idea to blog about!"

So, uhm...
Here it goes.

Her topic was about heart.

Or more specifically, L.O.V.E.

She and I had something more in common than we had ever known.

Yes, I agree that L.O.V.E. is not only joy and that kinky feeling U have in you stomach.
Or the butterflies U feel in Ur stomach when U lay eyes on him,
Or the made up disease or symptoms U start to have when he's around.

Not all Sweet and Cheery,
It brings pain too.
It hurts so much that at one point U feel like dying.

Ok, yang itu aku reka. Amik line dari movie. Haven't personally experienced it. I mean the feel-like-dying part. The hurt, YES, but not till the feel-like-dying part.

Uhm.. Ok I'm starting to write nonsense..
Back to being serious.

Uhm. I've been hurt.
Yea, that's true.

But at that time, I didn't know I was hurt.
Coz I had noooo idea what it meant being hurt.
Or being in love.
Or any of those kinds.

I only know the term CINTA MONYET.
Or LOVE MONKEY if di-direct tranlate-kan.
Monkey Love.

But I don't play Monkey Love.
I don't play monkey.
I play LIKE a monkey at times,
but not monkey love.

I'm more of a pemendam perasaan type.
I don't tell.
I won't tell.
I wait.
Wait and see.

And that was the part where it hurts.

It hurts when he said he likes (ok, aku guna perkataan LIKE je, malas nak guna LOVE, geli....) someone else.
Someone who in my eyes, perfect for him.
Maybe way too perfect.
But I think the most IDIOTIC thing I did,
was to help him get her.

Told him tips and all. (macamlah aku tahu sangat)
Listened to all his complains, how he misses her, how he LIKES her so much.

All that. That's what friends are for right?

So, uhmm....he didn't get the girl.
The girl had someone else.
He said his heart broke,
I was there for him too.

The point is (saja mau cut crita ni), I didn't know I had "feelings" for him until lately.
Notice the word HAD.
Past tense.


I seriously don't know what this thing called L.O.V.E is.
All I know is that it's what makes people go crazy sometimes.


Dapat ku bayangkan makcik2 bagi lecture tentang cinta ni.

(Re-enactment through words)

Note that this conversation was in alien language. Humans like U guys would not understand. So I took the liberty in translating it to Human Language. I know, I'm AWESOME.

Scene: Dua EKOR makcik di pasar bercerita. Tiba2 ternampak sorang laki dan pompuan bermesra.

Makcik 1: Uit! Yang Piuk! (this means mak Piuk) Tinguk tu!! Ui naa~ Laki tu bah. Pigang sana pigang sini! Belum kahwin lagi uda gete'2. Ish3.. Ko tengok lah. Nda lama lagi tu pompuan tu bunting tu kalau macam tu. (Ya, memang kolot punya pemikiran)

Yang Piuk: Astaga lajiiim! Punya lah! Budak2 sekarang bah.. Nda tau malu ni!! Ish3... Nasib baik anak aku nda macam tu. Dorang ni sekarang nda tau malu uda bah. Pasang sini, pasang situ. Macam game pula dorang buat. Ish3... Macam lah kunun dorang mau cari Suami atau Isteri yang bagus gini?? Ish3... (geleng2 kepala)

Makcik 1: Tu lah! Zaman kita dulu lagi romantik kan? Lagi istimewa... Sekarang senang jak. Kalau mau kapel2 eh, main sms2 lah, guna internet lah. Moden uda.. Anak laki aku satu urang di rumah tu banyak kali minta duit mau kol girlpren dia. Bagus kalau dia yang kuar duit! Ni aku!

Makcik 2: (Makcik dari gerai sebelah yang kuat menyebok) Jadi kamu dulu macammna kamu kahwin??

Makcik 1: Kami dulu best. Guna surat cinta, malu malu lagi. Kalau mau kahwin, pinang jak terus!

Yang Piuk: Aku masih simpan lagi surat2 cinta dia bagi. Hahaha~ Masalahnya aku lupa uda mana aku letak....

OK, aku malas mau taip panjang2. Biarlah sampai sini jak aku tulis. Kemalasan ku memang sangat menguasai aku sekarang. Kalau mau sambungan, ko pegi jak tempat aku. Senang!

Ok, what was our topic just now?

O yea. L.O.V.E.

Yup, everyone wants them.
Everyone wants to grab hold of it.
Everyone wants to feel it.


Not excluding me.

But I know that that time will come for all of us.
It will come for us.

(macam menyeramkan pula line last tadi tu...)

Just wait for it.
If we are patient enough,
the L word would come, without us even finding it.

O, this is for girls lah.
Not for guys.


Ok2.. I seriously think if I keep on writing I'll be writing nonsense.

Exhibit A : The makcik's conversation.

But seriously, that's how the makcik I know talks.
Creepy....for the terasa ones..


Look!! Up in the sky!! A FLYING ICE CREAM!! YEAY~!!

Cat: Huh?? Where??


Nurhidayah Mohd Hafiz said...

Ahahahaha! Kitai lucu ni yang piuk!!! Bajau abes! Lawala zen, tggl c tini n c atau lg blum blog psl ni.. request2!

Nurhidayah Mohd Hafiz said...

astaga lajimmm!! hahahahaha! ketawa mo mati ni part!

Zenmax said...

Dai: hahaha!! nda tu dorang brani buat... pcaya lah... ahahha

mndg said...

what is the L word ?
Loser ?
Lame ?

Jard The Great said...
