Monday, July 12, 2010

A New Start in USM


Huh... Lots of lectures..
They gave us a lot of information about what we'll be facing here and all, but...
I fell asleep half the time someone was holding a mic on d stage.
The only time i didn't close my eyes was the night there was free food on the table!*drools*

Okay, let me start all the blabber bout the orientation.
Huh, OK.
The first day, 3rd of July 2010.

Arrived at USM Health Campus at 9am or so.
My first impression???

Then reaching the hostel room...

Then the orientation..
YEAY!! WOAW!! HUH....UHM........

That's all I can say... I'm pretty much speechless during the whole first week I was here. LOL

But the only thing that I remembered well, beside all the taklimat we had in that orientation. was the Dinner with Vice Chancellor. FOOD!
A few of us volunteered doing some performance. My roommate in dancing, some MC-ing, Dikir Barat-ing, while I volunteered in ACTING.
It was D**N FUN!!!!!

I played a small part only, a tomboy.
But it was worth my time.
I only got a few pics from that day/night.

The two guys playing the pondans...

These are the crews! No malays boys or even Indian. waddehel? Haha... Nvr mind, althoug most of them are chinese, I understand what they are all plnaning and talking bout anyways, so no biggie. I met many interesting people.

Haha... I made the pics extra small cause...uhm....well I dunno if the other members would like their face on any blog. Some of these people don't even have a facebook, so...I'd better respect that... Hahaha..

Then, after the orientation, our group wen camping in Kem Jeram Mengaji, Pasir Puteh, Kelantan.
It was a BEAUTIFUL PLACE..for me...

The river...

The people playing in it...

My friends...

So, to sum up that tiring week, it was fun...and tiring!

After the camp, the next day was class.

Ok, there wasn't much for us to do during the first week of class. Again, as usual, i fell asleep during those lectures. The only time I didn't fell asleep on was when Prof. Madya Dr. Faridah was lecturing. She's an interesting and inspiring fella. Huh... She achieved sooo much yet she never portrays it like some people would.

Oh yea!! I didn't fell asleep also when I volunteered...again..for a role play. I'm currently volunteering for two role plays. And the first meeting is about to start in a few hours from now. Gotta prepare my lines. Heh...

Till Then!!


Jard The Great said...

hehe.. baru baca post kamu.. having fun eh?

Cahaya Yang Riang Gembira said...

Selamat menempuh suka duka kehidupan.. Heehee.. All the best k.. :)

Norain Ishak said...

first nak cakap, i'm so jeles to those people who already started to study medicine while me still in the 2 years a-level program. huhu. btw, do you know fathin fadhilah, if u did, kirim salam kat dia. after all, gudluck in ur study!

Zenmax said...

Farhana: Tenkiuuu~

Norain: Sabo sabo... Fathin? mcm pernah drg, nt ar sy g carik... N tenkiuuu~~~