Sunday, January 17, 2010


Can't deny that women are taking their places higher than their male counterparts. Who dare to say that most women are still a stay at home mother of six, managing the house while loyally stood beside her husband, watching him do his work? I'd say, SOME are still like that, but there are millions of women out there finally being the leaders in their life and being on top of everything!
For example.....them!

Even Malaysian women are not just the typical housewife anymore, they are women with careers; careers with even higher paying salaries than mens. Not trying to discriminate any race here, but women are ROCKING this world! Even the mens in Thailand are paying countless money to switch to a SHE!!!

However, more women in this world, meaning it is closer to the end of this world.. hmm...

Well, back to my point, although most women are sophisticated these days, but sometimes.....they do the darnest things!

One example is from Thailand..
I watched a TV program yesterday with dear mumsy, and i was shocked! Down to my knees! LITERALLY!
It's about a mother who sold her own daughter to pay her debts, and also so that she can find a new husband! Wow....Sucky mother that one...

Here's the site for another mother story in north america.

But that's not the only one,
We don't have to look far to find evil mothers, right here in Malaysia, ther are lots of evil mothers. These mothers hide evidence of their unwanted babies(A.K.A child out of wedlock), by killing them! Whether or not they didn't mean to kill them, but still, face the truth ladies, whad'ya think would happen? it...

Hmm... So, whose at blame here?
Women, or the requirements for women to live in our modern world?

One thing I know for sure is that, we live our life to the fullest, but still abide to rules of humanity.

Sorry for the boring entry!
Just expressing what i feel...

Till Then!


kawie2020 said...

Women cannot complain about men anymore until they start getting better taste in them... and Islam never discriminate women because women is special in this world...

p/s: Women are always beautiful... :)

Zenmax said...

hahaha... true true

Abe Long said...

wow kawie!!!!!

malaih nk tulih panjang ari ni

kawie2020 said...

abe long, how small this world where i meet u here... hehehehhehehe...